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UVO Command Line Args

{}’s represent mandatory arguments.

(Mandatory) arguments must be added.



Enables the command line. Must be used for the program to enable using the command line.

-uvoAddFile “{filePath}”

Adds a file to be exported. Can be repeated to add more files.

eg… -uvoAddFile “C://Documents//VoxelModel.vox”

-uvoAddFolder “{folderPath}”

Adds a folder to be exported.

eg… -uvoAddFolder “C://Documents//VoxelModels”


Models will use transform data if this is called. If not, transforms will not be imported.


-uvoExportMethod {option}

Sets the export method. Valid {option}s are: color, material, texture, optimise

eg… -uvoExportMethod texture


-uvoExportFormat {option}

Sets the export format. Valid {option}s are: obj, asciifbx, binaryfbx

eg… -uvoExportFormat asciifbx

(Mandatory or -uvoExportPath)


Files will be saved in the same location as they are imported. If not used, they will be exported to the path specified in “-uvoExportPath”.

(Mandatory or -uvoKeepFilepaths)

-uvoExportPath “{exportFolderPath}”

Files will be saved in the specified folder. If not used, “-uvoKeepFilepaths” must be used.

eg… -uvoExportPath “C://Documents//Exported Voxels”


Disables all X-Positive facing sides.


Disables all X-Negative facing sides.


Disables all Y-Positive facing sides.


Disables all Y-Negative facing sides.


Disables all Z-Positive facing sides.


Disables all Z-Negative facing sides.

-uvoPivot {x} {y} {z}

Sets the pivot to use for all models. X, Y, Z can be decimal, and should usually range between 0 and 1.

If not used, will default to 0.5, 0.5, 0.5.

eg… -uvoPivot 0.5 0 0.5 will set the pivot to be at the center of the base of the model.


Forces the pivot location to always be on the corner of a voxel.


Closes the program on finish, unless there are warnings or errors.


Closes the program on finish, even if there are warnings or errors.

Example Windows Powershell Command

.\”Ultimate Voxel Optimizer.exe” -uvoEnableCommandLine -uvoAddFolder “C:\Documents\VoxelExamples” -uvoExportFormat obj -uvoExportMethod optimise -uvoKeepFilepaths -uvoForceCloseOnFinish

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